Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉
August 2014
1. Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on universal suffrage
On 31 August, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC) passed a resolution regarding the method for selecting the Chief Executive (CE) of the HKSAR in 2017, and forming the LegCo in 2016 following a week-long deliberation. The NPCSC endorsed the following decision:
I. Starting from 2017, the selection of the CE of the HKSAR may be implemented by the method of universal suffrage.
II. When the selection of the CE of the HKSAR is implemented by the method of universal suffrage:
(1) A broadly representative Nominating Committee shall be formed. The provisions for the number of members, composition and formation method of the nominating committee shall be made in accordance with the number of members, composition and formation method of the Election Committee for the Fourth Chief Executive.
(2) The Nominating Committee shall nominate two to three candidates for the office of CE in accordance with democratic procedures. Each candidate must have the endorsement of more than half of all the members of the Nominating Committee.
(3) All eligible electors of the HKSAR have the right to vote in the election of the CE and elect one of the candidates for the office of CE in accordance with law.
(4) The CE-elect, after being selected through universal suffrage, will have to be appointed by the Central People's Government.
III. The specific method of universal suffrage for selecting the CE shall be prescribed in accordance with legal procedures through amending Annex I to the Basic Law. Such amendments shall obtain the endorsement of a two-thirds majority of all the members of the Legislative Council and the consent of the CE before being submitted to the NPCSC for approval.
IV. If the specific method of universal suffrage for selecting the CE is not adopted in accordance with legal procedures, the method used for selecting the CE for the preceding term shall continue to apply.
V. The existing formation method and voting procedures for the Legislative Council as prescribed in Annex II to the Hong Kong Basic Law will not be amended. After the election of the CE by universal suffrage, the election of all the members of the LegCo of the HKSAR may be implemented by the method of universal suffrage.
2. Peace and Democracy Parade on 17 August
The Peace and Democracy Parade on 17 August was held by the Alliance for Peace and Democracy to oppose the unlawful Occupy Central movement. The Parade showed silent majority’s desire for peace in Hong Kong and their support for universal suffrage. The Alliance held a 3.2-km "Run for Peace and Democracy" as a prelude to the Parade. Parade participants also dedicated kapok flowers at Chater Garden at the end of the Parade. Many engineers and other professionals took part in the Parade to support peace and democracy in Hong Kong.
3. Political forum in Shenzhen
The meeting of the National People's Congress Standing Committee in Beijing from 25 August discusses the parameters of universal suffrage for Hong Kong by 2017. On 21 August, around 50 LegCo members met the Mainland officials in Shenzhen to discuss and exchange views on political reform in Hong Kong. National People's Congress Standing Committee Deputy Secretary-General and Basic Law Committee Chairman Li Fei said that both the central and Hong Kong governments are showing their sincerity over political reform in the territory. Beijing's top officials had frank discussions with the LegCo members in the meeting.
4. Sustainability of Replacement & Rehabilitation Programme of Water Mains
Further to my letter of 4 September 2013 to the Director of Water Supplies, I wrote again to the Government on 11 July this year to express concern about the sustainability and continuity of R & R of water mains in Hong Kong, particularly noting that there remains some 1,000 km of aged water mains under consideration. I urged the Government to give high priority to implement as much remaining R & R works as possible in continuation of the current programme, and commencing the new phase not later than early 2016. The Director replied that a Water Intelligent Network (WIN) strategy will be implemented in Hong Kong, which enables the local water supply network to be monitored, managed, operated and maintained on a district metering area (DMA) basis. The project will be commenced in 2016 after completion of the current programme.
Click to view the letter to WSD and the reply from WSD
5. Delegation to Shanghai
I led a delegation organized by the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association (HKPASEA), of which I am the current President, to visit Shanghai between 17 to 19 August. During our stay in Shanghai, we held several forums with local industries and organizations, visited new development areas, and had a meeting with Shanghai Mayor Mr. Yang Xiong. The delegation also visited Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone which was launched in 2013. It is the first free-trade zone in mainland China, which is being used as a testing ground for a number of economic and social reforms in the areas of investment, international trade, and finance.

II. Articles Published
Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
5 Sept, 2014
Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
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